Yoshinao Kobayashi Laboratory:IIR, Zero-Carbon Energy Laboratory, Dept. Materials and Engineering, Institute of Science Tokyo(Tokyo Institute of Technology)Yoshinao Kobayashi Laboratory:IIR, Zero-Carbon Energy Laboratory, Dept. Materials and Engineering, Institute of Science Tokyo(Tokyo Institute of Technology)



The Sixth International Education Forum on Environment and Energy Science

December 25th, 2017

We attended The Sixth International Education Forum on Environment and Energy Science

at Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

Mr. Takehiro Sumita (D2) was present in oral, and awarded “Best Presentation Award”


Detail of presentation

Takehiro Sumita & Yoshinao Kobayashi, Investigation on the Dissolution Behavior of Core Structure Materials by Molten Corium in Boiling Water Reactor Plants during Severe Accidents,


Yoshinao Kobayashi Laboratory

Institute of Science Tokyo
N1-3 2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550 Japan
Getting here
○Room No.328 (Professor & Secretary) TEL&FAX 03-5734-3075
○Room No.324 (Students) TEL&FAX 03-5734-2906

If you are interested in our laboratory, please don't mind to contact us or you can visit our laboratory.
Prof. Yoshinao Kobayashi E-mail: kobayashi.y.at*
※ Please replace ” * “ with ” @m.titech.ac.jp “.