Student Awards
Outstanding Presentation Award.
(5th Meeting of the Computational Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams, JIMM (the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials).)
YAMADA Makoto [Outstanding Presentation Award.]
School of Materials and Chemical Technology Department of Materials Science and Engineering master's midterm presentation (2023.9.13)
SUZUKI Ayaka (M2): Best Presentation Award
Title: “Removal process of copper from steel scrap by plasma nitrogen-metal reaction”.
李嘉俊, アイディアポスター賞:Determination of Gibbs Free Energy of Formation of Ni-rich Precipitate in Reactor Pressure Vessel of Light Water Reactor by Electromotive Force Measurement
藤原健弥, 優秀ポスター賞: Fe-C-Cu-S模擬スクラップ鉄における鋳造冷却速度の及ぼす銅分布状態への影響
第23回(2018年度)工学教育賞 論文・論説部門 受賞 (2019.9.4 日本工学教育協会)
墨田岳大&野原佳代子教授:「工学教育賞(論文・論説部門)」を受賞 (
IRID シンポジウム2018 燃料デブリ取り出しに挑む-Ⅱ (2018.8.2 東京工業大学 くらまえホール)
墨田岳大:「最優秀賞」を受賞 (
次世代イニシアティブ廃炉技術カンファレンス(NDEC-2) (2017.3.7 東京工業大学)
The Sixth International Education Forum on Environment and Energy Science (Dec. 15-19, 2017 Tenerife, Canary islands, Spain)
Takehiro Sumita :Best Presentation Award